CareerCheQGoAbroad boasts a team of dedicated and experienced
Study in abroad consultants and Study overseas consultants, working tirelessly to make your international education dreams a reality. Our experts provide personalized guidance, assisting you in choosing the right courses, universities, and countries for your academic journey. With CareerCheQGoAbroad, you’ll embark on a seamless and enriching global learning experience, confident in the guidance of our trusted study in abroad and study overseas consultants.

Get in Touch

Win a free scholarship with our guidance and mentorship.

All the necessary paperwork handled by our experts.

Get student reference before you join.

Exchange Indian Rupees to foreign currency.

We can help you find ideal location and type of room for you needs.

Affordable and convenient flight options,

We will get in touch with schools directly to inquire about your appilication.

We guide students in their admissions from the beginning to the visa.

Animisha Reddy MD
Sri Rohit Velugubantla MD

and many more..